MDR Damp Away Basket Dehumidifier, MDR 301

SKU: MDR 301

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  • Regular price $22.00
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MDR Damp Away Basket Dehumidifier

Damp Away’s Basket and Tablet dehumidifiers are the latest technology in absorbing humidity (moisture) right out of the air in order to keep mold and mildew in check. The new 450 gr patented tablet is wrapped in a microfiber cloth which allows more moisture to be absorbed, while keeping the container free of any residue. Once the tablet is used up, the microfiber also makes the job of replacing the tablet, using Damp Away’s refills, as clean and easy as possible. Pour spouts are molded into the container to make liquid removal easy and clean. The upper basket allows the moisture in the air to readily reach the tablet (for absorption) all the while keeping the tablet securely in place.

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