The Eldridge Tide and Pilot Book, 2025
The chances are that if your great-grandparents went boating somewhere on the Atlantic coast, a copy of the ELDRIDGE TIDE AND PILOT BOOK was on board. Since 1875, when George W. Eldridge published the first edition, ELDRIDGE has been the most relied-upon source for helpful information about tides and currents, and a whole lot more.
Not only is it loaded with valuable information, it's the least expensive guide of its kind available. That's why it's been a bestseller since 1875.
TIDE TABLES - Portland, Boston, Newport, Bridgeport, Kings Point, The Battery, Sandy Hook, Baltimore, Miami Harbor Entrance.
CURRENT TABLES - Cape Cod Canal, Woods Hole, Pollock Rip, The Race, Hell Gate, The Narrows, Delaware Bay Entrance, Chesapeake, & Delaware Canal.
CURRENT CHARTS & DIAGRAMS - Boston, Buzzards Bay, Vineyard & Nantucket Sounds, Narragansett Bay, Long Island & Block Island Sounds, New York Bay, Upper Chesapeake Bay.
EMERGENCIES - Marine Distress Calling, First Aid Guidelines, Hypothermia
FISHING - Fish On: Crew Planning in the age of Xbox - Zach Harvey, Favorite Fishing Locations - Lou Tabory.
SAFE NAVIGATION - Rules of the Road, Navigation Lights, Sound Signals, Nautical Charts & Buoyage Diagram, Piloting in a Cross Current.
LIGHTS, FOG SIGNALS & OFFSHORE BUOYS - Characteristics of Buoys and Lighthouses, with Latitude/Longitude, from Nova Scotia to Key West.
CLEAN BOATING - USCG Pollution Regulations, Pumpout Info by State
WEATHER - Hurricane Precautions, Beaufort Scale, Keys to Predicting Weather, Weather Reports, Weather Signs in the Sky, Dew Point, Wind Chill
ASTRONOMICAL DATA - Sun & Moon Tables, Moon Phases, Planets
FLAGS & CODES - How to Fly Yacht Flags, International Signals, Storm Signals
MISCELLANEOUS - Jan Adkkins on The Death Spiral, Story Contest Winner, Bagel and Cream Cheese - Peter Spectre, Celestial Navigation - Meridian Transit, Ferry Information and more